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•Turret base damage decreased but armor penetration and damage to minions increased
•Improved particle scaling on larger characters like Dragon and Baron
•Champion skin names will now be displayed on the load screen
•New option added: Show All Chat ◦Cross-team chat in all games is now hidden by default
◦Cross-team chat in spectated games will also be hidden by default
◦If you enjoy competitive banter, opt-in using the new toggle in the 'More Options' menu!

•Fixed a crash that would occur when attempting to maximize the window while loading into the game
•Selected unit outlines are now improved to be less pixelated
•"Surrender Vote Failed" message no longer appears to the enemy team
•Announcements will now take up the same proportional amount of screen space regardless of the display resolution. The net result is a smaller size at smaller resolutions

•Deathfire Grasp ◦Now builds out of Blasting Wand and Kage's Lucky Pick (total cost reduced to 2600 from 2610)
◦Now grants 80 Ability Power and 15% Cooldown Reduction, from 60 Ability Power, 12 MP5, and 15% Cooldown Reduction
◦Increased cast range to 750 from 650
◦Active base damage changed to 25% +4% per 100 AP of the target's current Health from 30% + 3.5%

•Fiendish Codex cost reduced to 1125 from 1245
•Morello's Evil Tome ◦Now builds out of Fiendish Codex and Kage's Lucky Pick (total cost reduced to 2330 from 2350)
◦Now has Grievous Wounds active

•Sunfire Cape aura damage increased to 40 from 35
•Will of the Ancients ◦Now builds out of Blasting Wand and Hextech Revolver
◦Total cost increased to 2500 from 2100, combine cost reduced to 440 from 465

•Atma's Impaler, Manamune, Archangel's Staff, Randuin's Omen, Force of Nature, and Deathfire Grasp tooltips now update dynamically
•Fixed a bug where Randuin's Omen tooltip stated the incorrect slow duration

Summoner Spells
•Fixed a bug where Teleport could be used after being affected by Crowd Control effects
•Fixed a bug where casting Cleanse could interrupt Teleport
•Summoner Heal base value reduced to 100 from 145

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1 ºñ°ø°³ ¼Õ´Ô ¡¦ 2012-05-01 16:06:55
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3 ºñ°ø°³ ¼Õ´Ô ¡¦ 2012-05-01 16:08:43
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5 ºñ°ø°³ ¼Õ´Ô ¡¦ 2012-05-01 16:09:18
•Zilean can no longer level up Rewind at level 1
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•Deathfire Grasp ◦Now builds out of Blasting Wand and Kage's Lucky Pick (total cost reduced to 2600 from 2610)
◦Now grants 80 Ability Power and 15% Cooldown Reduction, from 60 Ability Power, 12 MP5, and 15% Cooldown Reduction
◦Increased cast range to 750 from 650
◦Active base damage changed to 25% +4% per 100 AP of the target's current Health from 30% + 3.5%
µ¥ÆÄ Á¶ÇÕ º¯°æ (·°Å°ÇÈ + 860¿ø ÁöÆÎÀÌ)
´É·ÂÄ¡ º¯°æ (80ap, 15% Äð°¨)
»ç°Å¸® 750À¸·Î Áõ°¡
µ¥¹ÌÁö °è»ê½Ä º¯°æ (´ë»óÀÇ ÇöÀç ü·ÂÀÇ 25% + 100ap´ç 4%Ãß°¡)

•Fiendish Codex cost reduced to 1125 from 1245
¾ÆÀÌÅÛ °¡°Ý º¯È­

•Morello's Evil Tome ◦Now builds out of Fiendish Codex and Kage's Lucky Pick (total cost reduced to 2330 from 2350)
◦Now has Grievous Wounds active
¸ð·¼·Î Á¶ÇÕ º¯È­, ¾×Ƽºê Ä¡°¨ Ãß°¡

•Sunfire Cape aura damage increased to 40 from 35
¼±ÆÄ µ¥¹ÌÁö Áõ°¡

•Will of the Ancients ◦Now builds out of Blasting Wand and Hextech Revolver
◦Total cost increased to 2500 from 2100, combine cost reduced to 440 from 465
ÈíÃ¥ Á¶ÇÕ º¯°æ (ÈíÃÑ + 860ÁöÆÎÀÌ)
6 ºñ°ø°³ ¼Õ´Ô ¡¦ 2012-05-01 16:10:31
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