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The Department of Redundancy Department here at Riot Games has intervened just in time to warn us that we already awarded everyone a Free-to-Play champion weekend and Four Win IP Boost when we won five awards at GDC Online. Since we wouldn't want to bore anyone with an encore to a celebration that's become passe, we've decided to pull a classic Texas switch.
If we win Online Game of the Year in the Golden Joystick Awards, we will award one bonus runepage to everyone's account! If there's anything that we've found helps with your scholarly pursuits, it's bigger books. Also, this is a bonus runepage; meaning that even if you were previously maxed out at 10 runepages we're going to bump you up to 11.
As a reminder, here's how to vote:
Point your browser to the Golden Joystick Awards website.
Click on 'vote now' on the top nav of the page.
Select 'Online Game of the Year' from the vote page.
Select League of Legends. It should be the middle title located in the fourth row.
Fill in the required information at the bottom of the page under 'Your Details'.
Click the 'submit' button.
League of Legends bibliophiles unite! Voting closes on October 25th, so head on over to the Golden Joystick Awards page today!

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