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With Daeny and the coaches, I tried not to interfere, I tried to give coaches the tools they needed and let them get going do the thing.

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When we were doing all the switching in spring of last year, obviously, it's concerning, because if you're switching and not winning, it compounds on itself, versus if you're switching and if you're winning it's fine, and winning as you guys know, it masks things that are wrong, right. 

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So when you're not winning and you're switching, everyone's criticizing you, and I think Daeny felt a certain way about the criticism that he was receiving and didn't appreciate it because he was coming off a world championship.

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I was trying to be patient, up until and through the end of spring when we were eliminated from the playoffs, and then, 

cause I knew we have, we've seen everybody play, it's probably the only time I've ever said like "This is who's playing". 
I've always let him play, even with Kim, it was like "Play who you're gonna play, I'm not going to interfere, I'm not going to interfere". But I read the Daeny book the year prior with Kim, I saw what happens being two hands off and just letting the car crash happen, so I didn't wanna waste Summer. I knew we had a good team, it was just that we we weren't enjoying. That was the only time when I kind of stepped in a sense of "Hey, this is the roster". Obviously Polt delivered the message but 



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And then, even when Summer started, you could just see it, you know, you'd ever walk in to a room and something's wrong, the vibe and the way the guys are. Because you're seeing the kids are now, what they look like and how they act versus how they were feeling and looking back then, I just knew a change had to happen which culturally, in Korea, you don't ever really see a mid season change. (You saw a quicker-than-a-light-change this year with DRX, that was in two games or three games, but)

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I just knew it was the right thing to do for us, and we were going through with my dear friend and COO John, passed away, like things was compounding on us and one of the last conversations I had with John was the decision with Polt to move on from Daeny and Zefa. We knew we had Polt, I knew he was the right person, I'm glad that he got to step in, unfortunately because of the nomenclature and stuff he couldn't be called head coach because of the way it was set up and the rules, so he was kind of the head coach but not, in terms of on paper, but I think Stardust and Moment did a great job. 

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To Kim's credit, Moment was a junior coach when he brought him in in 2020, and ended up being a really really great coach because he works super hard. With Polt, what he allows us to do, is that he was able to rely and leverage his own professional championship level experience in Starcraft and later in TFT, and just relate to the guys versus being told what to do.

And lot of it became, like when the change happened it was like "Great, what do you guys wanna play?" Because a lot of the message we heard from the guys prior to the change was we can't to this move because we're gonna get yelled at. Or they were pre-determining things before they got onto the rift, and no one wanted to deviate from the play because they didn't want to get repercussions from it. 

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What Polt instilled he was like "We'll coach you up until we finish the draft, you guys are proplayers and know what you're doing, if you see something, say something, go do it, five of you have a voice and you're allowed to have five shotcallers." And gone were the days when only one person got to call the shots. And that change happened and you start seeing the momentum end of summer, didn't win summer,

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Then we showed up in Iceland, and it was a completely different team, right. They were having fun, they were enjoying each other's company, I mean Guma especially was really enjoying the free dinners he was having with the burgers and pizzas, like it was a just different team. I was around the 2019 superteam at worlds when it wasn't fun. Even when we won, it was just a relief versus being fun, whereas in Iceland we were having fun, we enjoyed our steak dinner which became a tradition after we would win big things, and we were one game away from being in Worlds Finals and unfortunately we didn't make it.

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I think that situation and that kind of momentum, and the fact that we didn't change the rosters really, I mean it was Polt's call to go with Zeus up top. He said that from his estimation and the other coaches', Zeus just needed time and playing time, and he couldn't tell me if it was like 36 games or maybe it was 18 games, but he thought Zeus had really really high upside, he just needed time. 

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but none of us expected Zeus to grow this quickly, this fast this Spring. Which is a part of the reason why we were so dominant because he was able hold his own, we could focus on the entire map, and not just put resources up there. 

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½Ç½Ã°£ Issue Ä¿¹Â´ÏƼ TE31 [¾ËÁö·Õ] ¨Ï 2002-2024
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