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TeamLiquid: What was going through your head before the match with Nestea?
TL : ÀÓÀç´öÀ̶û °ÔÀÓÇϱâÀü¿¡ ¹«½¼ »ý°¢À» Çß½À´Ï±î?
Naniwa: I was extremely disappointed about my performance and I felt I let every foreigner down very hard with how I played, I prepared alot for every map and I barely lost and every game was very close
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Why did you probe rush in the final game? Let us know your reasons.
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My mindset was broken after the game against MMA, I left my booth and just thought about all that happened for 30 minutes before it was my turn to play again, I thought there is nothing at stake since neither me or Nestea can advance, and I know that unless I have something to play for I can't perform my best. I just felt like it wouldn't satisfy the fans at all with playing half hearted.
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Do you think players owe fans a minimum level of effort each game? Do you believe paying GSL viewers deserve to watch a full match?
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As I said, with nothing at stake people can't show their best games, I dont think it would satisfy people who bought GSL viewership to see the best games in the world . And they clearly wouldn't have gotten their expectations met.
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Considering the very negative responses from Korean teams, players, and media, do you regret what you did? Would you have done it differently if you could do it again?
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If I could do it again i would just 4 gate and then people wouldnt have complained, this is no different from what Stephano did against Cloud at Dreamhack [Note: After going 0-2 and being eliminated from his group, Stephano went for two very early pool builds against Cloud. Stephano's match against Cloud had ranking implications for other players in his group], People are just hating because it's me who did it.
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Do you have any words to say to your team, fans, and Koreans?
´Ï ÆÀ, ÆÒ, Çѱ¹Àο¡°Ô ÇÒ¸»?
I am very sorry for upsetting people like this, I did what I did because of reasons I explained, I dont have anything more to say to fans or my team, what I said should explain it. Koreans need to stop making such a big deal out of everything , it's going ridiculously far to say that I dont deserve to be called a progamer and such for this kind of thing.
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