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There was a time when men were kind

µ¥¾î ¿öÁî ¾î ŸÀÓ À¢ ¸à ¿ù Ä«Àεå
When their voices were soft

À¢ µ¥¾ó º¸À̽ºÁî ¿ù ¼ÒÇÁÃ÷
And their words inviting

¿£ µ¥¾ó ¿öÁî ÀιÙÀÌÆÃ
There was a time when love was blind

µ¥¾ó ¿öÁî ¾î ŸÀÓ À¢ ·¯ºê ¿öÁî ºí¶óÀεå
And the world was a song

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And the song was exciting

¾Ø ´õ ¼Û ¿öÁî ÀÍ»çÀÌÆÃ
There was a time

µ¥¾ó ¿öÁî ¾î ŸÀÓ
Then it all went wrong

µ§ ÀÕ ¾î À¢Ã÷ ·Õ

I dreamed a dream in time gone by

¾ÆÀÌ µå¸²µå ¾î µå¸² ÀΠŸÀÓ °Ç ¹ÙÀÌ
When hope was high and life worth living

À¢ È©ÇÁ ¿öÁî ÇÏÀÌ ¾Ø ¶óÀÌÇÁ ¿ùÆ® ¸®ºù
I dreamed that love would never die

¾ÆÀÌ µå¸²µå ´å ·¯ºê ¿ìµå ³×¹ö ´ÙÀÌ
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
¾ÆÀÌ µå¸²µå ´å °¡µå ¿ìµå ºñ Æú±âºù

Then I was young and unafraid

µ§ ¾ÆÀÌ ¿öÁî ¿µ ¾Ø ¾ð¾îÇÁ·¹À̵å
And dreams were made and used and wasted

¾Ø µå¸²½º ¿ù ¸ÞÀÌµå ¾Ø À¯½ºµå ¾Ø ¿þÀ̽ºÆ¼µå
There was no ransom to be paid

µ¥¾ó ¿öÁî ³ë¿ì ·£½æ Åõ ºñ ÆäÀ̵å
No song unsung, no wine untasted
³ë¿ì ¼Û ¾ð¼º ³ë¿ì ¿ÍÀÎ ¾ðÅ×À̽ºÆ¼µå

But the tigers come at night

¹þ ´õ ŸÀ̰ɽº ÄÄ ¾Ñ ³ªÀÕ
With their voices soft as thunder

À§µå µ¥¾ó º¸À̽ºÁî ¼ÒÇÁµå ¾Ö½º ÅÏ´õ
As they tear your hope apart

¾ÖÁî µ¥ÀÌ Æ¼¾ó À¯¾ó È©ÇÁ ¾îÆÄÆ®
As they turn your dream to shame

¾ÖÁî µ¥ÀÌ ÅÏ À¯¾ó µå¸² Åõ ¼ÎÀÓ
He slept a summer by my side

È÷ ½½·¦ ¾î ½á¸Ó ¹ÙÀÌ ¸¶ÀÌ »çÀ̵å
He filled my days with endless wonder

È÷ ÇÊµå ¸¶ÀÌ µ¥ÀÌÁî À§µå ¾Øµå·¹½º ¿ø´õ
He took my childhood in his stride

È÷ Åö ¸¶ÀÌ Â÷ÀϵåÈĵå ÀÎ È÷½º ½ºÆ®¶óÀ̵å
But he was gone when autumn came
¹þ È÷ ¿öÁî °Ç À¢ ¾îÄÁ ÄÉÀÓ

I dreamed a dream

4898¸íÀÌ Àоú¾î¿ä.

2 ºñ°ø°³ ¼Õ´Ô ¡¦ 2014-12-17 11:16:51
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