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// 55·¹º§¿¡ Á¤Áö (0À̸é 55·¹º§ Á¤Áö, 1ÀÌ¸é °è¼Ó)
var #lvstop 0
// ½ÅÈ­ ¿äÁ¤ÆøÆ÷3 Á¤Áö (0ÀÌ¸é °è¼Ó, 1ÀÌ¸é ¿äÁ¤ÆøÆ÷ 3¿¡¼­ 55·¾±îÁö)
var #fstop 1
// ÀÚ½ÅÀÌ ¿¬ Àκ¥ÀÇ ³¡ÆäÀÌÁö (3ÆäÀÌÁö±îÁö¸é 3À¸·Î ¼öÁ¤)
var #inven 1
//½Å¹ß ºÎÁ·½Ã ´ë±â 0
//½Å¹ß ºÎÁ·½Ã ½Å¹ß ÀÚµ¿ ±¸¸Å 1
var #shoechoise 1

// Ä£±¸ ¼±Åà »ç¿ë ¾ÈÇҽà ÁÂÇ¥ 0 0 À¸·Î ¼öÁ¤ //
// »ç³ÉÅÍ ÀÔÀå½Ã Ä£±¸ ¼±Åà ºÎºÐ ÁÂÇ¥ 96 557 //
var #friendx 96
var #friendy 557

//»ç³ÉÁß µ¿·á¼Òȯ½Ã°£ ¼³Á¤
//30Ãʱ⺻¼³Á¤ (ÃÖ¼Ò 6ÃʺÎÅÍ 2ÃÊ°£°ÝÀ¸·Î¸¸ ¼³Á¤°¡´É)
var #count 5

//µ¿·á °¡µæÂ÷¸é ¸ÅÅ©·Î Á¾·á 0 0
//µ¿·á °¡µæÂ÷µµ °è¼Ó ÁøÇà 142 464
var #ok1x 0
var #ok1y 0

//Àåºñ¿Í â°í ¸ðµÎ °¡µæÂ÷¸é ¸ÅÅ©·Î Á¾·á 0 0
//Àåºñ¿Í â°í ¸ðµÎ °¡µæÂ÷µµ °è¼Ó ÁøÇà 142 464
// (Àåºñ¿Í â°í ¸ðµÎ °¡µæÂ÷µµ °è¼Ó ÁøÇàÇϸé
//  Àåºñ¿Í â°í°¡ °¡µæÂù ÈÄ¿¡ µ¿·á°¡µæÂù°Ç È®ÀÎ ºÒ°¡)
var #ok2x 142
var #ok2y 464

//ÀåºñÁ¤¸® ÇÏ·Á¸é 153 254
//ÀåºñÁ¤¸® ¾ÈÇÏ·Á¸é 142 464
var #ok3x 153
var #ok3y 254

//¹æ¼±Åýà ģ±¸¸ñ·Ï¶ã¶§±îÁöÀÇ ´ë±â½Ã°£ ¼³Á¤ 1ÃÊ = 1000
var #roomsleep 1000

//¾ÆÀÌÅÛµî±ÞÆǸŽà ´ë±â½Ã°£ ¼³Á¤ 1ÃÊ = 1000
var #sellwait 1000

var #color 0
var #colorexit 0
var #color1 0
var #color2 0
var #color3 0
var #color4 0
var #clock1x 447
var #clock1y 333
var #clock1c 5555170
var #clock2x 65
var #clock2y 138
var #clock2c 9553375

//ÀÚÁ¤ ¸ÞÅ©·Î2
var #clockx 362
var #clocky 311
var #clockc 3978718
//55000¿ø Æ˾÷
var #popx 340
var #popy 157
var #popc 4385023

//110000¿ø Æ˾÷
var #pop1x 351
var #pop1y 160
var #pop1c 16729342

//----------¿ìÆíÇÔ ¹× Ä£±¸ µ¸º¸±â ³ª°¡±â-----------------
var #mailx 451
var #maily 325
var #mailc 16777215
var #frlenx 21
var #frleny 215
var #frlenc 1839179
var #frlen1x 30
var #frlen1y 453
var #frlen1c 4086701

//---------------------»ç³ÉÅÍ ÀÔÀå°ü·Ã-------------------
//¸ðÇè ¿©°ü È­¸é È®ÀÎ
var #mainx 464
var #mainy 387
var #mainc 4260169

//¸Ê¼±Åà ȭ¸é È®ÀÎ
var #enterx 421
var #entery 334
var #enterc 9493741

//Ä£±¸ ¼±Åà â È®ÀÎ
var #ax 445
var #ay 309
var #ac 6928108

//½Å¹ß ºÎÁ·
var #key 0

//------------------»ç³ÉÁß È®ÀÎ,½Ã°£Ã¼Å©-----------------
var #huntx 46
var #hunty 29
var #huntc 6710886
var #hunt1x 40
var #hunt1y 89

var #second 0

var #room 1
var #roomx 0
var #roomy 0
var #bx 0
var #by 0
var #bc 0

// ´øÀü ±¸ºÐ Ç¥½Ã
var #quitx 0
var #quity 0
var #quitc 0
// 8,9¹ø Å׵θ® »ö°ª
var #room9x 307
var #room9y 661
var #room8x 228
var #room8y 660
var #room0cc 16777215
//------------¹æ ÅÍÄ¡ºÎºÐ
var #r1x 204
var #r1y 165
//ÀÚ¹°¼è »ö°ª
var #cc 0
//2¹ø¹æ ÀÚ¹°¼è&ÀÔÀå
var #b1x 208
var #b1y 266
//3¹ø¹æ ÀÚ¹°¼è&ÀÔÀå
var #b2x 316
var #b2y 266
//4¹ø¹æ ÀÚ¹°¼è&ÀÔÀå
var #b3x 317
var #b3y 354
//5¹ø¹æ ÀÚ¹°¼è&ÀÔÀå
var #b4x 316
var #b4y 444
//6¹ø¹æ ÀÚ¹°¼è&ÀÔÀå
var #b5x 205
var #b5y 443
//7¹ø¹æ ÀÚ¹°¼è&ÀÔÀå
var #b6x 205
var #b6y 534
//8¹ø¹æ ÀÚ¹°¼è&ÀÔÀå
var #b7x 205
var #b7y 623
//9¹ø¹æ ÀÚ¹°¼è&ÀÔÀå
var #b8x 316
var #b8y 622

var #level 0
var #stage 0
var #room1 0

//--------------------´øÀü¿Ï·á È®ÀÎ----------------------
//9¹ø¹æ ¿Ï·á È®ÀÎ
var #exitx 351
var #exity 601
var #exitc 70
// 9¹æ ¸·¹æ ÀÔÀå¿ë
var #exit0x 326
var #exit0y 651
var #exit0c 100
// 7¹æ ¸·¹æ ÀÔÀå¿ë
var #exit01x 217
var #exit01y 655
var #exit01c 67
// 5¹æ ¸·¹æ ÀÔÀå¿ë
var #exit02x 212
var #exit02y 564
var #exit02c 80

//Àåºñâ È­¸é È®ÀÎ °ª
var #inshopx 23
var #inshopy 753
var #inshopc 1780315

//¾ÆÀÌÅÛ ¼¼ºÎÁ¤º¸Ã¢ È­¸é È®ÀÎ °ª
var #sellx 458
var #selly 424
var #sellc 6928861

var #red 794579
var #yellow 2332159
var #puple 16725918
var #blue 16748826
var #green 6148644
var #white 16777215

var #11x 395
var #11y 485
var #12x 399
var #12y 567
var #13x 396
var #13y 650
var #14x 395
var #14y 731
var #21x 301
var #21y 484
var #22x 305
var #22y 567
var #23x 306
var #23y 650
var #24x 306
var #24y 732
var #31x 220
var #31y 484
var #32x 213
var #32y 567
var #33x 214
var #33y 649
var #34x 219
var #34y 732
var #41x 128
var #41y 485
var #42x 124
var #42y 567
var #43x 126
var #43y 649
var #44x 126
var #44y 732
var #xx 0
var #full 0
var #bag 1

var #checkx 0
var #checky 0

//55·¹º§ È®ÀÎ--------------------------------------------
// - 10ÀÇÀÚ¸®
var #50x 371
var #50y 297
var #50c 611959
var #501x 378
var #501y 299
var #501c 110833
// - 1ÀÇÀÚ¸®
var #a5x 371
var #a5y 303
var #a5c 611959
var #a51x 378
var #a51y 304
var #a51c 46326

//½ÅÈ­ ÁÂÇ¥
var #ledx 437
var #ledy 403
var #ledc 13053

// ¸ðÇé¸Ê È®ÀÎ
var #dux 399
var #duy 305
var #duc 4964321

// ¸·¹æ ¿Ï·áÈ®ÀÎ
var #froom 0
// Áö¿ª È®ÀÎ º¯¼ö
var #kroom 0
//½ÅÈ­ ÁøÇà»óȲ È®ÀÎ
var #ledfairy 0
//----------------------¸ÅÅ©·Î ½ÃÀÛ----------------------

// ½ÃÀÛ À§Ä¡È®ÀÎ ----------------------------
getcolor #adv01 454 269
getcolor #cocc00 #dux #duy
if #adv01 == 16777215
sleep 50
toast ¿ùµå¸Ê
sleep 300
touchpress 0 90 30
sleep 300
goto :main
elseif #cocc00 == #duc
sleep 50
toast ¸ðÇè¸Ê
sleep 300
goto :room

getcolor #color #clock1x #clock1y
getcolor #color1 #clock2x #clock2y
if #color == #clock1c and #color1 == #clock2c
toast ÀÚÁ¤
sleep 500
touchpress 0 80 439
sleep 500
touchpress 0 169 409
sleep 500
touchpress 0 53 429
sleep 500
touchpress 0 53 429
sleep 500
touchpress 0 53 429
sleep 500

getcolor #color #clockx #clocky
if #color == #clockc
toast ÀÚÁ¤
sleep 500
touchpress 0 94 439
sleep 500
touchpress 0 133 415
sleep 500
touchpress 0 169 409
sleep 500
touchpress 0 53 429
sleep 500
touchpress 0 53 429
sleep 500
touchpress 0 53 429
sleep 500

//-------------------55000¿ø Æ˾÷ È®ÀÎ-------------------
getcolor #color #popx #popy
if #color == #popc
toast Æ˾÷ Ãë¼Ò
sleep 500
touchpress 0 50 312
sleep 500
touchpress 0 158 483
sleep 300
goto :main

//------------------110000¿ø Æ˾÷ È®ÀÎ-------------------
getcolor #color #pop1x #pop1y
if #color == #pop1c
toast Æ˾÷ Ãë¼Ò
sleep 500
touchpress 0 50 312
sleep 500
touchpress 0 158 483
sleep 300
goto :main

//==================¾÷Àû ¿Ï·á============================
getcolor #color 347 337
if #color == 5825781
toast ¾÷Àû ¿Ï·á
touchpress 0 21 691
sleep 3000
goto :main

//===============¿ìÆíÇÔ, Ä£±¸µ¸º¸±â ³ª°¡±â===============
//-------------------¿ìÆíÇÔ ³ª°¡±â-----------------------
getcolor #color #mailx #maily
if #color == #mailc
toast ¿ìÆíÇÔ ³ª°¡±â
sleep 500
touchpress 0 446 766
goto :start
//-------------------Ä£±¸µ¸º¸±â ³ª°¡±â-------------------
getcolor #color #frlenx #frleny
getcolor #color1 #frlen1x #frlen1y
if #color == #frlenc and #color1 == #frlen1c
toast Ä£±¸µ¸º¸±â ³ª°¡±â
sleep 500
touchpress 0 61 43
goto :start

//====================»ç³ÉÅÍ ÀÔÀå °ü·Ã===================
//----------¸ðÇè ¿©°ü È®ÀÎÈÄ ¿ùµå¸Ê ÁøÇà-----------------
getcolor #color #mainx #mainy
if #color == #mainc and #key == 0
toast ¸ðÇè Çϱâ
touchpress 0 50 758
sleep 1000
goto :k0
elseif #color == #mainc and #key == 1
toast ½Å¹ß»óÁ¡À¸·Î À̵¿ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.
goto :key

//--------------¸Ê¼±Åà ȭ¸é È®ÀÎÈÄ ¸Ê¼±ÅÃ----------------
getcolor #color #enterx #entery
if #color == #enterc
toast »ç³É ½ÃÀÛ
sleep 1000
goto :roomselect

//-----½Å¹ßºÎÁ·, Àåºñ°¡µæ, µ¿·á°¡µæ ¸Þ½ÃÁö Æ˾÷ È®ÀÎ-----
getcolor #color1 283 348
getcolor #color2 320 190
getcolor #color3 159 187
getcolor #color4 153 254
if #color1 == 16777215 and #color2 == 923941 and #color3 == 16514043 and #color4 == 5736
toast µ¿·á°¡ °¡µæá½À´Ï´Ù
sleep 500
goto :finish1
touchpress 0 #ok1x #ok1y
sleep 1000
elseif #color1 == 16777215 and #color2 == 923941 and #color3 == 16514043 and #color4 != 5736
toast ½Å¹ßÀÌ ºÎÁ·ÇÕ´Ï´Ù
sleep 500
touchpress 0 142 464
sleep 500
goto :shoechoise
sleep 500
goto :start
elseif #color1 != 16777215 and #color2 == 923941 and #color3 == 16514043 and #color4 == 5736 and #full == 0
toast °¡¹æÀÌ °¡µæá½À´Ï´Ù
sleep 500
touchpress 0 #ok3x #ok3y
#froom 1
sleep 1000
elseif #color1 != 16777215 and #color2 == 923941 and #color3 == 16514043 and #color4 == 5736 and #full == 1
toast â°í¿Í °¡¹æÀÌ ¸ðµÎ °¡µæÂü
sleep 500
goto :finish2
touchpress 0 #ok2x #ok2y
sleep 500

//--»ç³ÉÅÍ ÀÔÀåÀü Ä£±¸¼±Åà â È®ÀÎ ÈÄ Ä£±¸ ¼±Åà ¹× ÀÔÀå--
getcolor #color #ax #ay
if #color == #ac
toast »ç³É ÀÔÀå Ä£±¸ ¼±ÅÃ
sleep 500
touchpress 0 #friendx #friendy
sleep 500
touchpress 0 33 448
sleep 500
touchpress 0 169 410
sleep 8000
toast ´øÀü¿¡ÀÔÀåÇÏ¿´½À´Ï´Ù

//=================Àåºñâ È­¸é È®ÀÎ======================
getcolor #color #inshopx #inshopy
if #color == #inshopc
sleep 1500
#bag = 1
goto :bag
toast Àåºñ ÆǸŠ½ÃÀÛ
#xx = 1
sleep 1500
goto :check

//=================»ç³ÉÁßÀÎÁö È®ÀÎ=======================
getcolor #color #huntx #hunty
getcolor #color1 #hunt1x #hunt1y
if #color == 16777215 and #color1 == 16777215
sleep 2000
#second = #second + 2
toast »ç³É Áß.... #second ÃÊ
goto :second
if #color == 0 or #color == #huntc or #color == 2039583
if #color1 == 0 or #color1 == #huntc or #color1 == 2039583
sleep 300
toast »ç³ÉÀ̳¡³µ½À´Ï´Ù
#second = 0
touchpress 0 16 468
sleep 500
//µ¿·áȹµæ È®ÀιöÆ°
touchpress 0 169 410
sleep 500
getcolor #l10 #50x #50y
sleep 10
getcolor #l11 #501x #501y
sleep 10
getcolor #la1 #a5x #a5y
sleep 10
getcolor #la11 #a51x #a51y
sleep 10
if #lvstop == 0 and #l10 == #50c and #l11 == #501c
goto : la1
goto :advend
if #la1 == #a5c and #la11 == #a51c
sleep 50
toast 55·¹º§ ´Þ¼º
sleep 3000
goto :finish3

//¸ðÇèÁ¾·á È®ÀιöÆ°
touchpress 0 52 457
sleep 2500

goto :start

//====================»óÁ¡ ÆǸÅ==========================
//--------------¾ÆÀÌÅÛ ÁÂÇ¥°ª ¼³Á¤ ¼ø¼­´ë·Î--------------
if #xx == 1
#checkx = #11x
#checky = #11y
elseif #xx == 2
#checkx = #12x
#checky = #12y
elseif #xx == 3
#checkx = #13x
#checky = #13y
elseif #xx == 4
#checkx = #14x
#checky = #14y
elseif #xx == 5
#checkx = #21x
#checky = #21y
elseif #xx == 6
#checkx = #22x
#checky = #22y
elseif #xx == 7
#checkx = #23x
#checky = #23y
elseif #xx == 8
#checkx = #24x
#checky = #24y
elseif #xx == 9
#checkx = #31x
#checky = #31y
elseif #xx == 10
#checkx = #32x
#checky = #32y
elseif #xx == 11
#checkx = #33x
#checky = #33y
elseif #xx == 12
#checkx = #34x
#checky = #34y
elseif #xx == 13
#checkx = #41x
#checky = #41y
elseif #xx == 14
#checkx = #42x
#checky = #42y
elseif #xx == 15
#checkx = #43x
#checky = #43y
elseif #xx == 16
#checkx = #44x
#checky = #44y
elseif #xx == 17
sleep 1500
goto :warehouse

//--------------------¾ÆÀÌÅÛÀÇ µî±Þ»ö È®ÀÎ---------------
getcolor #color #checkx #checky
sleep 500
if #color == #puple or #color == #blue or #color == #green or #color == #white
sleep 500
toast ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ °Ë»ö¿Ï·á
touchpress 0 #checkx #checky
sleep 1500
goto :sell
#xx = #xx + 1
goto :check

//----------¾ÆÀÌÅÛ ¼¼ºÎÁ¤º¸Ã¢¿¡¼­ ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ ÆǸÅ------------
getcolor #color #sellx #selly
sleep 1500
if #color == #sellc
toast ¾ÆÀÌÅÛÀ» ÆÄ´Â ÁßÀÔ´Ï´Ù
goto :potion
touchpress 0 48 530
sleep 1500
touchpress 0 169 250
sleep 1500
goto :nosell
// ³ª°¡±â
sleep #sellwait
touchpress 0 67 31
sleep 1500
goto :start

//--------------------¹°¾àÀ̸é ÆǸÅ----------------------
getcolor #color1 386 464
sleep 1500
if #color1 == 2061723 or #color1 == 2313338 or #color1 == 4160675
toast ¹°¾àÀ» ¹ß°ß
touchpress 0 48 530
sleep 1500
//È®ÀÎÀ» Ŭ¸¯
touchpress 0 161 527
sleep 1500
// ¿¢½º¸¦ ´­¸£ÀÚ
touchpress 0 431 722
sleep 1500
#xx = #xx + 1
goto :check
goto :potion1

//------------µî±ÞÆǸŠ¾ÈµÇ´ÂÅÛ(º¸¼® µî) È®ÀÎ------------
getcolor #color #sellx #selly
sleep 1500
if #color == #sellc
toast µî±ÞÆǸŠ¾ÈµÇ´Â ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ
touchpress 0 431 722
sleep 1500
#xx = #xx + 1
goto :check
goto :nosell1

//-----------------â°í·Î ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ À̵¿--------------------
getcolor #color #inshopx #inshopy
sleep 100
if #color == #inshopc
toast â°í·Î À̵¿ÇÕ´Ï´Ù
//touchpress 0 61 730
//sleep 3000
//touchdown 0 #11x #11y
//sleep 100
//touchmove 0 365 244
//sleep 100
//touchup 0
//sleep 1000
//touchdown 0 #12x #12y
//sleep 100
//touchmove 0 365 244
//sleep 100
//touchup 0
//sleep 1000
//touchdown 0 #13x #13y
//sleep 100
//touchmove 0 365 244
//sleep 100
//touchup 0
//sleep 1000
//touchdown 0 #14x #14y
//sleep 100
//touchmove 0 365 244
//sleep 100
//touchup 0
//sleep 1000
//touchdown 0 #21x #21y
//sleep 100
//touchmove 0 365 244
//sleep 100
//touchup 0
//sleep 1000
//touchdown 0 #22x #22y
//sleep 100
//touchmove 0 365 244
//sleep 100
//touchup 0
//sleep 1000
//touchdown 0 #23x #23y
//sleep 100
//touchmove 0 365 244
//sleep 100
//touchup 0
//sleep 1000
//touchdown 0 #24x #24y
//sleep 100
//touchmove 0 365 244
//sleep 100
//touchup 0
//sleep 1000
//touchdown 0 #31x #31y
//sleep 100
//touchmove 0 365 244
//sleep 100
//touchup 0
//sleep 1000
//touchdown 0 #32x #32y
//sleep 100
//touchmove 0 365 244
//sleep 100
//touchup 0
//sleep 1000
//touchdown 0 #33x #33y
//sleep 100
//touchmove 0 365 244
//sleep 100
//touchup 0
//sleep 1000
//touchdown 0 #34x #34y
//sleep 100
//touchmove 0 365 244
//sleep 100
//touchup 0
//sleep 1000
//touchdown 0 #41x #41y
//sleep 100
//touchmove 0 365 244
//sleep 100
//touchup 0
//sleep 1000
//touchdown 0 #42x #42y
//sleep 100
//touchmove 0 365 244
//sleep 100
//touchup 0
//sleep 1000
//touchdown 0 #43x #43y
//sleep 100
//touchmove 0 365 244
//sleep 100
//touchup 0
//sleep 1000
//touchdown 0 #44x #44y
//sleep 100
//touchmove 0 365 244
//sleep 100
//touchup 0
goto :storecheck
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 67 31
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 67 31
#xx = 11
goto :start

//-----------------â°í°¡ °¡µæá´ÂÁö È®ÀÎ-----------------
sleep 500
getcolor #color #34x #34y
if #color != 4881556
sleep 500
toast â°í°¡ °¡µæá½À´Ï´Ù.
#full = 1
goto :storecheck1

//------------------Àκ¥ ¿ÀÇ ÆäÀÌÁö---------------------
if #bag == #inven
goto :bag1
touchpress 0 60 652
sleep 1500
#bag = #bag + 1
goto :bag
//====================»óÁ¡ ÆǸŠ³¡=======================

if #second == #count
touchpress 0 459 374
sleep 500
goto :hunting

if #ok1x != 0 and #ok1y != 0
goto :back1
goto :end
if #ok2x != 0 and #ok2y != 0
goto :back2
goto :end
sleep 3000
goto :55lv


//==================ÀÚµ¿½Å¹ß±¸¸Å È®ÀÎ====================
if #shoechoise == 1
touchpress 0 90 30
sleep 500
touchpress 0 90 30
#key = 1
goto :shoechoise1

sleep 1000
getcolor #color #mainx #mainy
sleep 500
if #color == #mainc
touchpress 0 43 584
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 61 328
sleep 500
touchpress 0 61 328
sleep 500
touchpress 0 61 328
sleep 500
touchpress 0 61 328
sleep 500
touchpress 0 61 328
sleep 500
toast ½Å¹ßÀ» ±¸¸ÅÇÕ´Ï´Ù.
touchpress 0 307 647
sleep 800
touchpress 0 307 647
sleep 800
touchpress 0 159 479
sleep 800
touchpress 0 449 771
sleep 800
touchpress 0 449 771
#key = 0
#froom = 1
goto :start

//=================½ºÅ×ÀÌÁö ¼±ÅÃ=========================
//----------------------ÀØÇôÁø ½£-------------------------
getcolor #fk0c #ledx #ledy
if #fstop == 1 and #fk0c == #ledc
toast fairy fall
sleep 100
goto :fk0
if #kroom == 0
goto :k00
sleep 50
elseif #kroom == 1
goto :k1
sleep 50
elseif #kroom == 2
goto :k2
sleep 50
elseif #kroom == 3
goto :k3
sleep 50
elseif #kroom == 4
goto :k4
sleep 50

getcolor #adv01 454 269
if #adv01 == 16777215
sleep 50
touchpress 0 460 269
sleep 500
touchdown 0 454 66
touchmove 0 0 800
touchup 0
sleep 500
touchdown 0 142 620
touchmove 0 478 197
touchup 0
sleep 500
goto :start
// µ¹º¸Áö ¾Ê´Â ž ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 295 553
sleep 100
touchpress 0 287 553
sleep 100
touchpress 0 274 553
sleep 1000
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
getcolor #color2 #b8x #b8y
if #color1 == #duc and #color2 == #cc
toast µ¹º¸Áö ¾Ê´Â ž ÀÔÀå
#froom = 1
sleep 500
goto :room
elseif #color1 == #duc and #color2 != #cc
toast µ¹º¸Áö ¾Ê´Â ž ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
#kroom = 3
goto :room

// »ó¾ÆÀÌ»¡ È£¼ö ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 137 85
sleep 100
touchpress 0 129 85
sleep 100
touchpress 0 116 85
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 200
toast ÀØÇôÁø ½£ ½ÃÀÛ
sleep 500
touchpress 0 90 30
sleep 500
elseif #color1 != #duc
#froom = 1
#kroom = 1
goto :k9

// ¾È°³Áö´ë ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 192 581
sleep 100
touchpress 0 185 581
sleep 100
touchpress 0 174 581
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 50
set #froom 1
sleep 200
toast ¾È°³Áö´ë ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
goto :room

// ±×¸²ÀÚ °­ ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 138 560
sleep 100
touchpress 0 131 560
sleep 100
touchpress 0 119 560
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 50
set #froom 1
sleep 200
toast ±×¸²ÀÚ °­ ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
goto :room

// ÀØÇôÁø À¯Àû ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 184 398
sleep 100
touchpress 0 175 398
sleep 100
touchpress 0 163 398
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 50
set #froom 1
sleep 200
toast ÀØÇôÁø À¯Àû ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
goto :room
// »ó¾ÆÀÌ»¡ È£¼ö ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 137 85
sleep 100
touchpress 0 129 85
sleep 100
touchpress 0 116 85
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 50
set #froom 1
sleep 200
toast »ó¾ÆÀÌ»¡ È£¼ö ÀÔÀå
sleep 500

getcolor #adv01 454 269
if #adv01 == 16777215
touchpress 0 460 269
sleep 500
touchdown 0 454 66
touchmove 0 0 800
touchup 0
sleep 500
touchdown 0 187 589
touchmove 0 399 481
touchup 0
sleep 500
// ÀÔÀå ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 217 537
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 200
toast ÀϹݼºÃ¤
sleep 500
touchpress 0 185 537
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 209 355
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 152 423
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 30 420
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 161 398
sleep 1000
goto :room

//------------------Ã߶ôÀÚÀÇ »ç¸· Á¤·Ä--------------------
getcolor #adv01 454 269
if #adv01 == 16777215
touchpress 0 460 269
sleep 500
touchdown 0 454 66
touchmove 0 0 800
touchup 0
sleep 500
touchdown 0 104 233
touchmove 0 480 800
touchup 0
sleep 500
goto :start

// ¿»·Î¿ì ¿ù ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 287 307
sleep 100
touchpress 0 278 307
sleep 100
touchpress 0 266 307
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 200
toast Ã߶ôÀÚÀÇ »ç¸· ½ÃÀÛ
sleep 500
touchpress 0 90 30
sleep 500
#froom = 1
#kroom = 2
goto :k0

// Ã߶ôÀÚÀÇ À¯Àû ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 375 129
sleep 100
touchpress 0 366 129
sleep 100
touchpress 0 361 129
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
getcolor #color2 #b8x #b8y
if #color1 == #duc and #color2 == #cc
toast Ã߶ôÀÚÀÇ À¯Àû ÀÔÀå
#froom = 1
sleep 500
goto :room
elseif #color1 == #duc and #color2 != #cc
toast Ã߶ôÀÚÀÇ À¯Àû ÀÔÀå
#kroom = 0
sleep 500
goto :room

// ¸ð·¡ ÆødzÀÇ ¾ð´ö ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 283 118
sleep 100
touchpress 0 275 118
sleep 100
touchpress 0 266 118
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 50
set #froom 1
sleep 200
toast ¸ð·¡ ÆødzÀÇ ¾ð´ö ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
goto :room

// »ç¸·Áö´ë ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 237 134
sleep 100
touchpress 0 230 134
sleep 100
touchpress 0 214 134
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 50
set #froom 1
sleep 200
toast »ç¸·Áö´ë ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
goto :room

// ¿»·Î¿ì ¿ù ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 287 307
sleep 100
touchpress 0 278 307
sleep 100
touchpress 0 266 307
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 50
set #froom 1
sleep 200
toast ¿»·Î¿ì ¿ù ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
goto :room

//-------------------------°ñ·½ ¾ð´ö------------------------
getcolor #adv01 454 269
if #adv01 == 16777215
touchpress 0 460 269
sleep 500
touchdown 0 454 66
touchmove 0 0 800
touchup 0
sleep 500
touchdown 0 417 731
touchmove 0 0 0
touchup 0
sleep 500
goto :start

//¿äÁ¤ÆøÆ÷ ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 277 635
sleep 100
touchpress 0 270 635
sleep 100
touchpress 0 258 635
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
getcolor #color2 #b8x #b8y
if #color1 == #duc and #color2 == #cc
toast ¿äÁ¤ÆøÆ÷ ÀÔÀå
#froom = 1
sleep 500
goto :room
elseif #color1 == #duc and #color2 != #cc
toast ¿äÁ¤ÆøÆ÷ ÀÔÀå
#kroom = 1
sleep 500
goto :room

// ¾²·¯Áø °ñ·½ ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 318 310
sleep 100
touchpress 0 310 310
sleep 100
touchpress 0 303 310
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 50
set #froom 1
sleep 200
toast ¾²·¯Áø °ñ·½ ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
goto :room

// ³î¿ìµå ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 123 340
sleep 100
touchpress 0 113 340
sleep 100
touchpress 0 97 340
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 50
set #froom 1
sleep 200
toast ³î¿ìµå ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
goto :room
//----------------------Å©¶ó¿îÁî ·£µù-----------------------
getcolor #adv01 454 269
if #adv01 == 16777215
touchpress 0 460 269
sleep 500
touchdown 0 454 66
touchmove 0 0 800
touchup 0
sleep 500
touchdown 0 187 589
touchmove 0 399 481
touchup 0
sleep 500
goto :start

// Á¸ÀÇ È£¹Ú¹ç ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 356 666
sleep 100
touchpress 0 345 666
sleep 100
touchpress 0 336 666
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 200
toast Å©¶ó¿îÁî ·©µù ½ÃÀÛ
sleep 500
touchpress 0 90 30
sleep 500
elseif #color1 != #duc
#froom = 1
#kroom = 3
goto :k0
//¼ºÃ¤ ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 255 487
sleep 100
touchpress 0 245 487
sleep 100
touchpress 0 233 487
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
getcolor #color2 #b8x #b8y
if #color1 == #duc and #color2 == #cc
toast ¼ºÃ¤ ÀÔÀå
#froom = 1
sleep 500
goto :room
elseif #color1 == #duc and #color2 != #cc
toast ¼ºÃ¤ ÀÔÀå
#kroom = 2
sleep 500
goto :room

//¾È°³³¤ ¼ºº® ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 202 576
sleep 100
touchpress 0 191 576
sleep 100
touchpress 0 177 576
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 50
set #froom 1
sleep 200
toast ¾È°³³¤ ¼ºº® ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
goto :room

// ·£µù°¡µç ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 198 485
sleep 100
touchpress 0 190 485
sleep 100
touchpress 0 177 485
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 50
set #froom 1
sleep 200
toast ·£µù°¡µç ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
goto :room
// ¼ºÀÇ ÀÔ±¸ ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 235 373
sleep 100
touchpress 0 228 373
sleep 100
touchpress 0 216 373
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 50
set #froom 1
sleep 200
toast ¼ºÀÇ ÀÔ±¸ ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
goto :room
// Á¸ÀÇ È£¹Ú¹ç ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 356 666
sleep 100
touchpress 0 345 666
sleep 100
touchpress 0 336 666
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 50
set #froom 1
sleep 200
toast Á¸ÀÇ È£¹Ú¹ç ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
goto :room

//--------------------- °ËÀº¹ÙÀ§»ê Á¤·Ä --------------------
getcolor #adv01 454 269
if #adv01 == 16777215
touchpress 0 460 269
sleep 500
touchdown 0 454 66
touchmove 0 0 800
touchup 0
sleep 500
goto :start

// °ËÀº¹ÙÀ§»ê ÀÔ±¸ ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 195 484
sleep 100
touchpress 0 185 484
sleep 100
touchpress 0 180 484
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 200
toast °ËÀº ¹ÙÀ§»ê ½ÃÀÛ
sleep 500
touchpress 0 90 30
sleep 500
elseif #color1 != #duc
sleep 50
#froom = 1
#kroom = 0
goto :k0

// °ËÀº¼ºÃ¤ ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 382 484
sleep 100
touchpress 0 370 484
sleep 100
touchpress 0 360 484
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
getcolor #color2 #b8x #b8y
if #color1 == #duc and #color2 == #cc
toast °ËÀº ¼ºÃ¤ ÀÔÀå
#froom = 1
sleep 500
goto :room
elseif #froom ==1 and #color1 == #duc and #color2 != #cc
toast °ËÀº ¼ºÃ¤ ÀÔÀå2
#kroom = 4
sleep 500
goto :room

// °ËÀº ¼ºÃ¤ °¡´Â±æ ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 376 309
sleep 100
touchpress 0 367 309
sleep 100
touchpress 0 356 309
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 50
set #froom 1
sleep 200
toast °ËÀº¼ºÃ¤ °¡´Â±æ ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
goto :room
// ¸ÁÀÚÀÇ »ê±æ °¡´Â±æ ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 265 305
sleep 100
touchpress 0 256 305
sleep 100
touchpress 0 245 305
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 50
set #froom 1
sleep 200
toast ¸ÁÀÚÀÇ »ê±æ ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
goto :room
// ¸Þ¾Æ¸®¹«´ý ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 215 328
sleep 100
touchpress 0 206 328
sleep 100
touchpress 0 197 328
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 50
set #froom 1
sleep 200
toast ¸Þ¾Æ¸® ¹«´ý ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
goto :room
// °ËÀº¹ÙÀ§»ê ÀÔ±¸ ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 195 484
sleep 100
touchpress 0 185 484
sleep 100
touchpress 0 180 484
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 50
set #froom 1
sleep 200
toast °ËÀº ¹ÙÀ§»ê ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
goto :room
set #froom 1
set #kroom 0
goto :start
goto :start

// 8,9¹ø¹æ Å׵θ® »ö È®ÀÎ
getcolor #room9c #room9x #room9y
getcolor #room8c #room8x #room8y
//9¹æ ¸Ê
if #room9c == #room0cc
set #roomn == 9
sleep 50
//toast 9¹æ¸Ê
sleep 500
#quitx = #exit0x
#quity = #exit0y
#quitc = #exit0c
sleep 200
//7¹æ ¸Ê
elseif #room9c != #room0cc and #room8c == #room0cc
set #roomn == 7
sleep 50
//toast 7¹æ¸Ê
sleep 500
#quitx = #exit01x
#quity = #exit01y
#quitc = #exit01c
sleep 200
//5¹æ ¸Ê
elseif #room9c != #room0cc and #room8c != #room0cc
set #roomnb == 5
sleep 50
//toast 5¹æ¸Ê
sleep 500
#quitx = #exit02x
#quity = #exit02y
#quitc = #exit02c
sleep 200
//¸Ê Á¾·áºÎºÐ
getcolor #coc00 #quitx #quity
if #froom == 0 and #coc00 == #quitc
toast ´øÀü Á¾·á
sleep 200
touchpress 0 90 30
sleep 500
touchpress 0 90 30
sleep 500
goto :start
// ¸·¹æ ÀÔÀå
elseif #froom == 1 and #coc00 == #quitc
sleep 50
touchpress 0 #quitx #quity
#froom = 0
sleep 200
goto :start
if #room1 > 0
#room = #room1
if #room == 1
#bx = #b1x
#by = #b1y
#bc = #cc
#roomx = #r1x
#roomy = #r1y
elseif #room == 2
#bx = #b2x
#by = #b2y
#bc = #cc
#roomx = #b1x
#roomy = #b1y
elseif #room == 3
#bx = #b3x
#by = #b3y
#bc = #cc
#roomx = #b2x
#roomy = #b2y
elseif #room == 4
#bx = #b4x
#by = #b4y
#bc = #cc
#roomx = #b3x
#roomy = #b3y
elseif #room == 5
#bx = #b5x
#by = #b5y
#bc = #cc
#roomx = #b4x
#roomy = #b4y
elseif #room == 6
#bx = #b6x
#by = #b6y
#bc = #cc
#roomx = #b5x
#roomy = #b5y
elseif #room == 7
#bx = #b7x
#by = #b7y
#bc = #cc
#roomx = #b6x
#roomy = #b6y
elseif #room == 8
#bx = #b8x
#by = #b8y
#bc = #cc
#roomx = #b7x
#roomy = #b7y
elseif #room == 9
sleep 500
#room = 1
goto :start
if #room1 > 0
touchpress 0 #roomx #roomy
sleep #roomsleep
goto :room_pop
getcolor #color #bx #by
if #color == #bc
toast #room ¹ø¹æ ÀÔÀå
touchpress 0 #roomx #roomy
#room = 1
sleep #roomsleep
goto :room_pop
#room = #room + 1
goto :roomselect
goto :start
//=====================¿äÁ¤ ÆøÆ÷ ¹Ýº¹====================
getcolor #adv01 454 269
if #adv01 == 16777215
touchpress 0 460 269
sleep 500
touchdown 0 454 66
touchmove 0 0 800
touchup 0
sleep 500
touchdown 0 417 731
touchmove 0 0 0
touchup 0
sleep 500
goto :start

//¿äÁ¤ÆøÆ÷ ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 277 635
sleep 100
touchpress 0 270 635
sleep 100
touchpress 0 258 635
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
getcolor #colorexit #exitx #exity
if #color1 == #duc and #colorexit != #exitc
sleep 50
set #froom 1
sleep 200
toast ¿äÁ¤ÆøÆ÷ ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
getcolor #colorf #b2x #b2y
if #colorf != 0
goto :froomselect
goto :room

// ¾²·¯Áø °ñ·½ ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 318 310
sleep 100
touchpress 0 310 310
sleep 100
touchpress 0 303 310
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 200
toast ¾²·¯Áø °ñ·½ ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
goto :room

// ³î¿ìµå ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 123 340
sleep 100
touchpress 0 113 340
sleep 100
touchpress 0 97 340
sleep 500
getcolor #color1 #dux #duy
if #color1 == #duc
sleep 200
toast ³î¿ìµå ÀÔÀå
sleep 500
goto :room
goto :start

goto :start

//3¹ø¹æ ¼³Á¤
set #room 3
#roomx = #b2x
#roomy = #b2y
//3¹ø¹æ ´©¸£±â
touchpress 0 #roomx #roomy
sleep #roomsleep
toast #room ¹ø¹æ ÀÔÀå
goto :room_pop
goto :start

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TOP arrow_upward