ù ÆäÀÌÁö ·£´ý ±Û ȸ¿ø°¡ÀÔ ·Î±×ÀÎ
ºñ°ø°³ ¼Õ´Ô ¡¦ 2014-12-13 21:54:54
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SCREEN_SIZE: 480x800

//½ÅÈ­¸ðµå ¿äÁ¤ÆøÆ÷ 3¹ø¹æ ¸ØÃã  µÑ´Ù 1 -> ÀÌ°æ¿ì ´Ù¸¥¸Ê ¾Èã°í ¹Ù·Î ¿äÁ¤ÆøÆ÷ ÀÔÀåÇÕ´Ï´Ù.
//½ÅÈ­¸ðµå °è¼Ó ÁøÇà ¿øÇϽǰæ¿ì µÑ´Ù 0
var #redcheck 1
var #v1 1

//¹æÀ» µé¾î¿Ô´Â°¡ È®ÀÎ
var #rox1 422
var #roy1 342
var #rocolor 10478063

var #caslex1 397
var #casley1 382
var #caslec1 4362771
//ÀϹݼºÃ¤ 15067108 < c < 16777215
var #caslex2 263
var #casley2 364
var #caslec2 1506700
var #caslec22 16780000
//ÀϹݼºÃ¤ newÈ®ÀÎ
var #caslex3 257
var #casley3 325
var #caslec3 15133428

var #caslecheck1 0
var #caslecheck2 0
var #caslecheck3 0

//½ÅÈ­¸ðµå È®ÀÎ
var #redx 434
var #redy 398
var #redc 144604

// ij¸¯ÅÍ Àåºñ Àκ¥ÀÇ ³¡ÆäÀÌÁö (3ÆäÀÌÁö±îÁö¸é 3À¸·Î ¼öÁ¤)

var #inven 1

// »ç³ÉÅÍ ÀÔÀå½Ã Ä£±¸ ¼±Åà »ç¿ë ¾ÈÇҽà  0     0
// »ç³ÉÅÍ ÀÔÀå½Ã Ä£±¸ ¼±Åà ºÎºÐ ÁÂÇ¥    369   564  
// 4¹ø° Ä£±¸¼±Åà 96 567

var #friendx 369
var #friendy 564

//µ¿·á °¡µæÂ÷¸é ¸ÅÅ©·Î Á¾·á   0      0
//µ¿·á °¡µæÂ÷µµ °è¼Ó ÁøÇà     142   464

var #okx 0
var #oky 0

//Àåºñ¿Í â°í ¸ðµÎ °¡µæÂ÷¸é ¸ÅÅ©·Î Á¾·á      0     0
//Àåºñ¿Í â°í ¸ðµÎ °¡µæÂ÷µµ °è¼Ó ÁøÇà       142   464

//(Àåºñ¿Í â°í ¸ðµÎ °¡µæÂ÷µµ °è¼Ó ÁøÇàÇϸé Àåºñ¿Í
//  Ã¢°í°¡ °¡µæÂù ÈÄ¿¡ µ¿·á °¡µæ Âù°Ç È®ÀÎ ºÒ°¡)

var #ok1x 0
var #ok1y 0

//ÀåºñÁ¤¸® ÇÏ·Á¸é     153   254
//ÀåºñÁ¤¸® ¾ÈÇÏ·Á¸é   142   464

var #ok2x 153
var #ok2y 254

//55·¾ ¸ØÃß°í »ç³É Á¾·á   374   299
//55·¾ ÀÌÈÄ °è¼Ó »ç³É      0     0

var #lvx 374
var #lvy 299

//À§ ¼³Á¤¿¡¼­ ¸ÅÅ©·Î Á¾·á½Ã¸¸ ÀÛµ¿ÇÕ´Ï´Ù. (55·¹º§ ÀÎ½Ä ÈÄ º¸³»±â Ãß°¡)
//À̸ÞÀÏÀ» º¸³»°í Á¾·á   1
//À̸ÞÀÏÀ» ¾Èº¸³»°í Á¾·á 0

var #email 1


// ·¹º§ ÀÎ½Ä ºÎºÐ
var #lvc 421527
var #lv1x 374
var #lv1y 307
var #lv1c 361653

//ÀÚÁ¤ ¸ÞÅ©·Î
var #clockx 64
var #clocky 529
var #clockc 9553375
var #clock1x 114
var #clock1y 163
var #clock1c 726045

var #color 0
var #colorexit 0
var #color1 0
var #color2 0
var #color3 0
var #color4 0

//ÀÏ¹Ý ¼ºÃ¼
var #k0x 210
var #k0y 474
var #k0c 16777215

var #k1x 118
var #k1y 726
var #k1c 198663

//Ã߶ôÀÚÀÇ »ç¸·
var #k2x 250
var #k2y 70
var #k2c 1068419

//ÀØÇôÁø ½£
var #k3x 229
var #k3y 723
var #k3c 1317167

//°ËÀº¹ÙÀ§ »ê
var #k4x 431
var #k4y 87
var #k4c 1975609

//Å©¶ó¿îÁî·£µù ¼º
var #k5x 243
var #k5y 579
var #k5c 11920114

//½Å¹ß ºÎÁ·

var #key 0
var #keyx 276
var #keyy 339
var #keyc 6975864

var #room 1
var #roomx 0
var #roomy 0
var #bx 0
var #by 0
var #bc 0


//------------¹æ ÅÍÄ¡ºÎºÐ
var #r1x 204
var #r1y 165
//------------¹æ new È®ÀÎ
var #b1x 254
var #b1y 151
var #b1c 16777215

var #r2x 211
var #r2y 256
var #b2x 255
var #b2y 241
var #b2c 16777215

var #r3x 326
var #r3y 256
var #b3x 366
var #b3y 235
var #b3c 16777215

var #r4x 325
var #r4y 369
var #b4x 360
var #b4y 332
var #b4c 16777215

var #r5x 328
var #r5y 447
var #b5x 360
var #b5y 421
var #b5c 16777215

var #r6x 215
var #r6y 448
var #b6x 255
var #b6y 425
var #b6c 16777215

var #r7x 218
var #r7y 536
var #b7x 253
var #b7y 509
var #b7c 16777215

var #r8x 215
var #r8y 629
var #b8x 255
var #b8y 599
var #b8c 16777215

var #r9x 325
var #r9y 625
var #b9x 358
var #b9y 596
var #b9c 27623

//55000¿ø Æ˾÷
var #popx 340
var #popy 157
var #popc 2003406

//110000¿ø Æ˾÷
var #pop1x 351
var #pop1y 160
var #pop1c 4400054

//¸ðÇè ¿©°ü
var #mainx 454
var #mainy 387
var #mainc 5331103

//Ä£±¸ ¼±Åà â
var #ax 441
var #ay 252
var #ac 15527148

var #gox 398
var #goy 307
var #goc 5424098

//»ç³ÉÅÍ Áß..
var #gogo1x 54
var #gogo1y 85
var #gogo1c 14478317

//»ç³É Á¾·áºÎºÐ ³ª°¡±â 9¹ø¹æ
var #exitx 351
var #exity 601
var #exitc 70

//»ç³É Á¾·áºÎºÐ ³ª°¡±â 7¹ø¹æ
var #exit1x 245
var #exit1y 599
var #exit1c 47

var #exit11x 220
var #exit11y 511
var #exit11c 5666090

//»ç³É Á¾·áºÎºÐ ³ª°¡±â 5¹ø¹æ
var #exit2x 242
var #exit2y 509
var #exit2c 57


//Àåºñâ È­¸é È®ÀÎ °ª
var #inshopx 23
var #inshopy 753
var #inshopc 1780059

//¾ÆÀÌÅÛ ¼¼ºÎÁ¤º¸Ã¢ È­¸é È®ÀÎ °ª
var #sellx 458
var #selly 424
var #sellc 6928861


var #red 794579
var #yellow 2332159
var #puple 16725918
var #blue 16748826
var #green 6148644
var #white 16777215

var #11x 355
var #11y 450
var #12x 355
var #12y 530
var #13x 355
var #13y 615
var #14x 355
var #14y 700
var #21x 267
var #21y 450
var #22x 267
var #22y 530
var #23x 267
var #23y 615
var #24x 267
var #24y 700
var #31x 178
var #31y 450
var #32x 178
var #32y 530
var #33x 178
var #33y 615
var #34x 178
var #34y 700
var #41x 91
var #41y 450
var #42x 91
var #42y 530
var #43x 91
var #43y 615
var #44x 91
var #44y 700
var #xx 0
var #full 0
var #bag 1

var #checkx 0
var #checky 0

//¿äÁ¤ÆøÆ÷ È®ÀÎ
var #v1x 428
var #v1y 390
var #v1c 8568010

var #v2x 401
var #v2y 392
var #v2c 276163

var #v3x 347
var #v3y 265
var #v3c 1266085

//¾÷Àû È®ÀÎ
var #ok11x 283
var #ok11y 622
var #ok11c 426695



//¸ÅÅ©·Î ½ÃÀÛ ¶óº§
sleep 100

sleep 100
getcolor #color #clockx #clocky
sleep 50
if #color == #clockc
//toast ÀÚÁ¤
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 72 439
sleep 500
touchpress 0 169 409
sleep 500
touchpress 0 53 429
sleep 500
touchpress 0 53 429
sleep 500
touchpress 0 53 429
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500

sleep 100
getcolor #color #clock1x #clock1y
sleep 50
if #color == #clock1c
//toast Æ˾÷
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 46 450
sleep 500
touchpress 0 456 782
sleep 500

//55000¿ø Æ˾÷ È®ÀÎ
sleep 100
getcolor #color #popx #popy
sleep 50
if #color == #popc
//toast Æ˾÷ Ãë¼Ò
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 50 312
sleep 300
touchpress 0 158 483
sleep 300
goto :main

//110000¿ø Æ˾÷ È®ÀÎ
sleep 100
getcolor #color #pop1x #pop1y
sleep 50
if #color == #pop1c
//toast Æ˾÷ Ãë¼Ò
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 50 312
sleep 300
touchpress 0 158 483
sleep 300
goto :main

//¾÷Àû È®ÀÎ
sleep 100
getcolor #color #ok11x #ok11y
sleep 50
if #color == #ok11c
//toast ¾÷Àû È®ÀÎ
sleep 100
touchpress 0 #ok11x #ok11y
sleep 1000

//¸ðÇè ¿©°ü
sleep 3000
getcolor #color #mainx #mainy
sleep 50
if #color == #mainc and #key == 0
//toast ¸ðÇè Çϱâ
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 50 758
sleep 3000
goto :k0
elseif #color == #mainc and #key == 1
//toast ½Å¹ß»óÁ¡À¸·Î À̵¿ÇÕ´Ï´Ù
goto :key

//»ç³É Á¾·áºÎºÐ ³ª°¡±â 9¹ø¹æ
sleep 50
getcolor #colorexit #exitx #exity
sleep 50
if #colorexit == #exitc
//toast 9¹ø¹æ Á¾·á
sleep 500
touchpress 0 61 34
sleep 500
touchpress 0 61 34
sleep 500
goto :start

//»ç³É Á¾·áºÎºÐ ³ª°¡±â 7¹ø¹æ
sleep 50
getcolor #colorexit #exit1x #exit1y
sleep 50
if #colorexit == #exit1c
sleep 50
getcolor #colorexit #exit11x #exit11y
sleep 50
if #colorexit == #exit11c
sleep 50
//toast 7¹ø¹æ Á¾·á
sleep 500
touchpress 0 61 34
sleep 500
touchpress 0 61 34
sleep 500
goto :start

//»ç³É Á¾·áºÎºÐ ³ª°¡±â 5¹ø¹æ
sleep 50
getcolor #colorexit #exit2x #exit2y
sleep 50
if #colorexit == #exit2c
//toast 5¹ø¹æ Á¾·á
sleep 500
touchpress 0 61 34
sleep 500
touchpress 0 61 34
sleep 500
goto :start

//½ÅÈ­ ¿äÁ¤ÆøÆ÷ È®ÀÎ
if #v1 == 0
goto :go1
goto :v1

getcolor #color #v1x #v1y
sleep 50
if #color == #v1c
sleep 50
getcolor #color #v2x #v2y
sleep 50
if #color == #v2c
sleep 50
getcolor #color #v3x #v3y
sleep 50
if #color == #v3c
sleep 50
//toast ½ÅÈ­ ¿äÁ¤ÆøÆ÷
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 345 263
sleep 3000
goto :gogo
goto :go1

//»ç³ÉÅÍ ÀÔÀå ¶óº§
sleep 500
getcolor #color #gox #goy
sleep 50
if #color == #goc
//toast »ç³É ½ÃÀÛ
sleep 500

getcolor #caslecheck1 #caslex1 #casley1
getcolor #caslecheck2 #caslex2 #casley2
getcolor #caslecheck3 #caslex3 #casley3

if #caslecheck1 == #caslec1 and #caslecheck2 > #caslec2 and #caslecheck2 < #caslec22 and #caslecheck3 == #caslec3
sleep 500
touchPress 0 215 353
sleep 100
goto :gogo

goto :roomselect

//»ç³ÉÅÍ ÀÔÀå ¶óº§
sleep 500

getcolor #color1 283 348
getcolor #color2 320 190
getcolor #color3 159 187
getcolor #color4 153 254
sleep 100
if #color1 == 16777215 and #color2 == 923941 and #color3 == 16514043 and #color4 == 5736
//toast µ¿·á°¡ °¡µæá½À´Ï´Ù
sleep 100
goto :finish1
touchpress 0 #okx #oky
sleep 2000
if #color1 == 16777215 and #color2 == 923941 and #color3 == 16514043 and #color4 != 5736
//toast ½Å¹ßÀÌ ºÎÁ·ÇÕ´Ï´Ù
sleep 100
touchpress 0 142 464
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 64 33
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 64 33
#key = 1
goto :start

//»¡°£±Û¾¾ »èÁ¦ÇÏ½Ç °æ¿ì

//¿©±â¿¡ ¾Æ·§ÁÙ ³ÖÀ¸¼Å¾ßÇÕ´Ï´Ù.

//goto :key

if #color1 != 16777215 and #color2 == 923941 and #color3 == 16514043 and #color4 == 5736 and #full == 0
//toast °¡¹æÀÌ °¡µæá½À´Ï´Ù
sleep 100
touchpress 0 #ok2x #ok2y
sleep 4000
if #ok2x == 153 and #ok2y == 254
goto :shopgo

elseif #color1 != 16777215 and #color2 == 923941 and #color3 == 16514043 and #color4 == 5736 and #full == 1
//toast â°í¿Í °¡¹æÀÌ ¸ðµÎ °¡µæÂü
sleep 100
goto :finish2
touchpress 0 #ok1x #ok1y
sleep 2000

sleep 500
getcolor #color #ax #ay
sleep 50
if #color == #ac
//toast »ç³É ÀÔÀå Ä£±¸ ¼±ÅÃ
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #friendx #friendy
sleep 500
touchpress 0 33 448
sleep 500
touchpress 0 169 410
sleep 500
touchpress 0 457 788
sleep 1000

//---------------------------------------»óÁ¡ ÆǸŠ¶óº§
getcolor #color #inshopx #inshopy
sleep 50
if #color == #inshopc
sleep 100
#bag = 1
goto :bag2
//toast Àåºñ ÆǸŠ½ÃÀÛ
#xx = 11
sleep 2000
goto :check

//»ç³ÉÅÍ ÀÔÀå ¶óº§
sleep 500
toast »ç³É Áß....
sleep 300
touchpress 0 146 416
sleep 2000

getcolor #color #lvx #lvy
sleep 50
if #color == #lvc
sleep 50
getcolor #color #lv1x #lv1y
sleep 50
if #color == #lv1c
sleep 50
toast 55·¾ ÀÌ´Ù!
sleep 1000
goto :email

touchpress 0 30 420
sleep 500
touchpress 0 146 416
sleep 500
touchpress 0 457 788
sleep 2000

getcolor #color #lvx #lvy
sleep 50
if #color == #lvc
sleep 50
getcolor #color #lv1x #lv1y
sleep 50
if #color == #lv1c
sleep 50
toast 55·¾ ÀÌ´Ù!
sleep 1000
goto :email

touchpress 0 30 420
sleep 500
touchpress 0 146 416
sleep 500
touchpress 0 457 788
sleep 1000
getcolor #color #lvx #lvy
sleep 50
if #color == #lvc
sleep 50
getcolor #color #lv1x #lv1y
sleep 50
if #color == #lv1c
sleep 50
toast 55·¾ ÀÌ´Ù!
sleep 1000
goto :email
goto :start
goto :start

////---------------------½ºÅ×ÀÌÁö ¼±ÅÃ-------------------

//¸ÊÁ¤·Ä Å©¶ó¿îÁî·£µù ¼º

////toast Á¤·Ä
sleep 50
touchDown 0 387 496
sleep 500
touchMove 0 0 0
sleep 50
touchUp 0
sleep 500

touchdown 0 387 496
sleep 500
touchmove 0 0 0
sleep 50
touchup 0
sleep 1000

//½ÅÈ­¸ðµå À϶§ ¿äÁ¤ÆøÆ÷ ¹Ù·ÎÀÔÀå
getcolor #color #redx #redy
if #color == #redc and #redcheck == 1
sleep 50
touchPress 0 259 635
sleep 500
goto :go
goto :mapreading

////toast Å©¶ó¿îÁî
touchDown 0 149 222
sleep 1000
touchMove 0 395 526
sleep 50
touchUp 0
sleep 500
touchPress 0 266 346
sleep 100
touchPress 0 211 438
sleep 100
touchPress 0 208 304
sleep 100
touchPress 0 249 227
sleep 100
touchPress 0 370 469

sleep 3000
touchpress 0 163 483
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 435 600
sleep 500

getcolor #color #rox1 #roy1
sleep 1000
if #color == #rocolor
goto :go1

// °ËÀº¹ÙÀ§ »ê
////toast °ËÀº¹ÙÀ§
touchDown 0 293 75
sleep 1000
touchMove 0 0 800
sleep 50
touchUp 0
sleep 1000
touchPress 0 357 442
sleep 100
touchPress 0 351 306
sleep 100
touchPress 0 242 285
sleep 100
touchPress 0 185 332
sleep 100
touchPress 0 172 470

sleep 3000
touchpress 0 163 483
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 435 600
sleep 500

getcolor #color #rox1 #roy1
sleep 1000
if #color == #rocolor
goto :go1

//ÀØÇôÁø ½£
////toast ÀØÇôÁø ½£
touchDown 0 36 434
sleep 1000
touchMove 0 428 6
sleep 50
touchUp 0
sleep 1000
touchPress 0 285 563
sleep 100
touchPress 0 185 585
sleep 100
touchPress 0 131 561
sleep 100
touchPress 0 179 417
sleep 100
touchPress 0 130 81

sleep 3000
touchpress 0 163 483
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 435 600
sleep 500

getcolor #color #rox1 #roy1
sleep 1000
if #color == #rocolor
goto :go1

//Ã߶ôÀÚÀÇ »ç¸·
////toast »ç¸·
touchDown 0 199 63
sleep 1000
touchMove 0 163 668
sleep 50
touchUp 0
sleep 1000
touchPress 0 338 132
sleep 100
touchPress 0 246 119
sleep 100
touchPress 0 197 165
sleep 100
touchPress 0 243 282
sleep 3000

touchpress 0 163 483
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 435 600
sleep 500

getcolor #color #rox1 #roy1
sleep 1000
if #color == #rocolor
goto :go1

////toast °ñ·½
touchDown 0 440 723
sleep 1000
touchMove 0 0 0
sleep 50
touchUp 0
sleep 1000

touchPress 0 260 633
sleep 100
touchPress 0 305 330
sleep 100
touchPress 0 105 341

sleep 3000
touchpress 0 163 483
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 435 600
sleep 500

getcolor #color #rox1 #roy1
sleep 1000
if #color == #rocolor
goto :go1

goto :main
////---------------------½ºÅ×ÀÌÁö ¼±ÅÃ-------------------


sleep 100
if #room == 1
#bx = #b1x
#by = #b1y
#bc = #b1c
#roomx = #r1x
#roomy = #r1y

elseif #room == 2
#bx = #b2x
#by = #b2y
#bc = #b2c
#roomx = #r2x
#roomy = #r2y

elseif #room == 3
#bx = #b3x
#by = #b3y
#bc = #b3c
#roomx = #r3x
#roomy = #r3y

elseif #room == 4
#bx = #b4x
#by = #b4y
#bc = #b4c
#roomx = #r4x
#roomy = #r4y

elseif #room == 5
#bx = #b5x
#by = #b5y
#bc = #b5c
#roomx = #r5x
#roomy = #r5y

elseif #room == 6
#bx = #b6x
#by = #b6y
#roomx = #r6x
#roomy = #r6y

elseif #room == 7
#bx = #b7x
#by = #b7y
#bc = #b7c
#roomx = #r7x
#roomy = #r7y

elseif #room == 8
#bx = #b8x
#by = #b8y
#bc = #b8c
#roomx = #r8x
#roomy = #r8y

elseif #room == 9
#bx = #b9x
#by = #b9y
#bc = #b9c
#roomx = #r9x
#roomy = #r9y

elseif #room == 10
sleep 2000
#room = 1
goto :gogo

sleep 100
getcolor #color #bx #by
sleep 50
if #color == #bc
//toast #room ¹ø¹æ ÀÔÀå
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 #roomx #roomy
#room = 1
sleep 2000
goto :gogo
#room = #room + 1
goto :roomselect

goto :start

// ½Å¹ß ºÎÁ·
sleep 3000
getcolor #color #mainx #mainy
sleep 50
if #color == #mainc
touchpress 0 43 584
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 61 328
sleep 500
touchpress 0 61 328
sleep 500
touchpress 0 61 328
sleep 500
touchpress 0 61 328
sleep 500
touchpress 0 61 328
sleep 500
touchpress 0 307 647
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 307 647
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 168 521
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 449 771
sleep 1000
touchpress 0 449 771

#key = 0

goto :start


////-----------------------Àåºñ Á¤¸®---------------------

//////////////////////¾ÆÀÌÅÛ ÁÂÇ¥°ª ¼³Á¤ ¼ø¼­´ë·Î

sleep 100
if #xx == 11
#checkx = #11x
#checky = #11y
elseif #xx == 12
#checkx = #12x
#checky = #12y
elseif #xx == 13
#checkx = #13x
#checky = #13y
elseif #xx == 14
#checkx = #14x
#checky = #14y
elseif #xx == 15
#checkx = #21x
#checky = #21y
elseif #xx == 16
#checkx = #22x
#checky = #22y
elseif #xx == 17
#checkx = #23x
#checky = #23y
elseif #xx == 18
#checkx = #24x
#checky = #24y
elseif #xx == 19
#checkx = #31x
#checky = #31y
elseif #xx == 20
#checkx = #32x
#checky = #32y
elseif #xx == 21
#checkx = #33x
#checky = #33y
elseif #xx == 22
#checkx = #34x
#checky = #34y
elseif #xx == 23
#checkx = #41x
#checky = #41y
elseif #xx == 24
#checkx = #42x
#checky = #42y
elseif #xx == 25
#checkx = #43x
#checky = #43y
elseif #xx == 26
#checkx = #44x
#checky = #44y
elseif #xx == 27
sleep 5000
goto :warehouse

//¾ÆÀÌÅÛÀÇ µî±Þ»ö È®ÀÎ
sleep 100
getcolor #color #checkx #checky
sleep 100
if #color == #puple or #color == #blue or #color == #green or #color == #white
sleep 100
//toast ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ °Ë»ö¿Ï·á
touchpress 0 #checkx #checky
sleep 3000
goto :sell
#xx = #xx + 1
goto :check

sleep 1000
getcolor #color #sellx #selly
sleep 50

if #color == #sellc
//toast ¾ÆÀÌÅÛÀ» ÆÄ´Â ÁßÀÔ´Ï´Ù

//------------------¹°¾àÀ̸é ÆǸÅ
getcolor #color1 386 464
sleep 50
if #color1 == 2061723 or #color1 == 2313338 or #color1 == 4160675
sleep 1000
//toast ¹°¾àÀ» ¹ß°ß
touchpress 0 48 530
sleep 3000

//È®ÀÎÀ» Ŭ¸¯
touchpress 0 161 527
sleep 1000

// ¿¢½º¸¦ ´­¸£ÀÚ
sleep 50
touchpress 0 431 722
sleep 2000
#xx = #xx + 1
goto :check

sleep 3000
touchpress 0 48 530
sleep 3000
touchpress 0 169 250
sleep 3000
goto :check4

// ³ª°¡±â
sleep 10000
touchpress 0 67 31
sleep 1000
goto :start
goto :start

//µî±ÞÆǸŠ¾ÈµÇ´ÂÅÛ(º¸¼® µî) È®ÀÎ

getcolor #color #sellx #selly
sleep 50
if #color == #sellc
//toast µî±ÞÆǸŠ¾ÈµÇ´Â ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ
sleep 50
touchpress 0 431 722
sleep 2000
#xx = #xx + 1
goto :check
goto :check3

// â°í¿¡ ÀúÀåÇÏÀÚ
getcolor #color #inshopx #inshopy
sleep 50
if #color == #inshopc and #xx == 27
//toast â°í·Î À̵¿ÇÕ´Ï´Ù
touchpress 0 61 730
sleep 7000
touchdown 0 #11x #11y
sleep 100
touchmove 0 365 244
sleep 100
touchup 0
sleep 1000
touchdown 0 #12x #12y
sleep 100
touchmove 0 365 244
sleep 100
touchup 0
sleep 1000
touchdown 0 #13x #13y
sleep 100
touchmove 0 365 244
sleep 100
touchup 0
sleep 1000
touchdown 0 #14x #14y
sleep 100
touchmove 0 365 244
sleep 100
touchup 0
sleep 1000
touchdown 0 #21x #21y
sleep 100
touchmove 0 365 244
sleep 100
touchup 0
sleep 1000
touchdown 0 #22x #22y
sleep 100
touchmove 0 365 244
sleep 100
touchup 0
sleep 1000
touchdown 0 #23x #23y
sleep 100
touchmove 0 365 244
sleep 100
touchup 0
sleep 1000
touchdown 0 #24x #24y
sleep 100
touchmove 0 365 244
sleep 100
touchup 0
sleep 1000
touchdown 0 #31x #31y
sleep 100
touchmove 0 365 244
sleep 100
touchup 0
sleep 1000
touchdown 0 #32x #32y
sleep 100
touchmove 0 365 244
sleep 100
touchup 0
sleep 1000
touchdown 0 #33x #33y
sleep 100
touchmove 0 365 244
sleep 100
touchup 0
sleep 1000
touchdown 0 #34x #34y
sleep 100
touchmove 0 365 244
sleep 100
touchup 0
sleep 1000
touchdown 0 #41x #41y
sleep 100
touchmove 0 365 244
sleep 100
touchup 0
sleep 1000
touchdown 0 #42x #42y
sleep 100
touchmove 0 365 244
sleep 100
touchup 0
sleep 1000
touchdown 0 #43x #43y
sleep 100
touchmove 0 365 244
sleep 100
touchup 0
sleep 1000
touchdown 0 #44x #44y
sleep 100
touchmove 0 365 244
sleep 100
touchup 0
goto :storecheck2

sleep 5000
touchpress 0 67 31
sleep 5000
touchpress 0 67 31
#xx = 11

goto :start

sleep 3000
getcolor #color #11x #11y
if #color != 6327459
sleep 50
//toast â°í°¡ °¡µæá½À´Ï´Ù.
#full = 1
goto :storecheck1

//Àκ¥ ÆäÀÌÁö È®ÀÎ
if #bag == #inven
goto :bag1
touchpress 0 60 652
sleep 1000
#bag = #bag + 1
goto :bag2

////-----------------------Àåºñ Á¤¸®---------------------

///////////////     /// À̸ÞÀÏ Ãß°¡ ¼öÁ¤ ºÎºÐ ///////////////

if #okx != 0 and #oky != 0
goto :back1
goto :email

if #ok1x != 0 and #ok1y != 0
goto :back2
goto :email


////----------------------- À̸ÞÀÏ ----------------------

if #email == 1
goto :email1
goto :end1

sleep 1000
RunApp com.google.android.gm
sleep 10000

//toast À̸ÞÀÏ º¸³»±â
sleep 2000

touchDown 0 390 52
sleep 100
touchUp 0
sleep 1000

// ¹Þ´Â»ç¶÷ À̸ÞÀÏ Å°ÀÔ·Â ºÎºÐ
keyPress K_S
sleep 1000
touchDown 0 126 208
sleep 100
touchUp 0
sleep 1000

// Á¦¸ñ ÀÔ·Â ºÎºÐ ÁÂÇ¥
touchDown 0 126 208
sleep 100
touchUp 0
sleep 1000

// Á¦¸ñ ÀÔ·Â Å°ÀԷºκРÀÓÀ¸·Î S·Î ÁöÁ¤ÇÏ¿´½À´Ï´Ù.
keyPress K_K
sleep 1000

// ³»¿ë ÀÔ·Â ºÎºÐ
touchDown 0 84 261
sleep 100
touchUp 0
sleep 1000
keyPress K_K
sleep 1000

// À̸ÞÀÏ º¸³»±â ÁÂÇ¥
touchDown 0 441 49
sleep 100
touchUp 0
sleep 5000

// À̸ÞÀÏ º¸³ÂÀ¸´Ï ´Ù½Ã º°À̵Ǿî¶ó ¾îÇà ½ÇÇà
RunApp com.gamevil.psrforkakao
sleep 10000
goto :end1

// Á¾·á ¸Þ½ÃÁö
sleep 3000
toast ¸ÅÅ©·Î°¡ ÁßÁö µÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù!!!! È®ÀÎÇϼ¼¿ä!!
sleep 3000
goto :end1


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TOP arrow_upward