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Legendary Items

  •  Soulcaster: Teleport to the location of a friendly player within 50 yards.
  •  Grovewalkers: While you remain stationary, deep roots seep into the ground every 3 sec. granting you 50000 healing every 3 sec. stacking up to 10 times.
  •  The King's Hands: Grants you the Anticipation talent. If you select Anticipation, you may have up to 5 charges.
  •  Maelstrom Gauntlets: The range of Stormstrike is increased to 20 yards.
  •  Bramble Helm of Shala'drassil: An additional 0% of healing recieved from other allies is applied over 8 seconds.
  •  Essence Accelerant: Equip: The cost of Thrash is reduced by 20%.
  •  Verjas, Protectors of the Berserker Kings: The duration of Stagger is increased by 40%.
  •  Thornbraces: When you Dodge, Parry, or Block an incoming attack your next autoattack deals 150% increased damage.
  •  Guillotine Grips: Essence Font may be cast while moving.
  •  Draugr, Helm of the Everlasting King: You may continue to fight while under Aspect of the Turtle.
  •  Nochtadh, Footpads of the Deft Assasin: Your attacks have a chance to reveal a weakness in your opponent's defenses. While attacking from the weak side, you deal X% increased damage to the target.
  •  Ceann-Ar Gauntlets: Each time you Enrage, you gain 20 Rage.
  •  Cannibal's Fervor: Life Tap increases your Leech by 5% for 10 seconds. This effect can stack up to 3 times.
  •  The Haugbuir: Upon taking fatal damage, you are returned to full health but deal 40% less damage and healing for 30 seconds. Can only occur once every 3 minutes.
  •  Coiled Ley Lines: You have 20% Avoidance while casting.
  •  Cinidaria: Your special attack critical strikes have a chance to increase the Haste of you and a nearby ally by 40 for 6 seconds.
  •  Timeshifters: Standing still for 8 seconds gives you Foresight, allowing you to cast spells while moving for 4 seconds.
  •  Star of Norgannon: The radius and damage of Flamestrike are increased by 25%. When Seed of Corruption detonates, it also causes a detonation at your location. Enemies can only be affected once.
  •  Vestments of the Wo-Chi: Casting a spell has a chance to call down the Light of An'she at a nearby location for 15 seconds. Allies standing in the Light gain 15% haste and 15% spell cost reduction, split amongst all affected players.
  •  Storm Tempests: Arcane Barrage affects an additional enemy per charge of Arcane Power expended.
  •  Fatebender: Ice Barrier may be cast while casting other spells.
  •  Smolderweave: Damage caused by Pyroblast gives 200% increased contribution to Ignite.
  •  The Arcen Star: Chain Lightning deals 50% increased damage each time it jumps to a new enemy.
  •  Nether Prism: Casting Pyroblast reduces the cooldown of Combustion by 3 seconds.
  •  Amice of the Dreamweaver: Starsurge deals 35% increased damage to enemies affected by both Sunfire and Moonfire.
  •  Dreamboughs: Spawn seeds at a nearby location every 12 seconds. The seeds grow for 6 seconds before blooming, healing all allies within 10 yards.
  •  Shroud of Ysera: Starsurge deals 35% increased damage to enemies affected by both Sunfire and Moonfire.
  •  Not Used - Stormtide Drape: When Lifebloom expires or dispelled, it summons Efflorescence.
  •  Martyr Chain: Drain 110% of your maximum health over 10 sec, but gain 0% Haste and Leech.
  •  Sparklight Stompers: Charge leaves a firey trail that deals damage.
  •  Stormwing: When you cast Healing Rain, a second Healing Rain is summoned at your feet. An ally can only be affected by one Healing Rain.
  •  Eyir's Tear: Your healing critical strikes spawn a Tear of Eyir at the target's location that slowly travels towards you. When a Tear reaches you, you gain 500 Haste Rating and the cost of your spells is reduced by 5% for X seconds.
  •  Earth-Warder's Scale: Your single target healing spells apply Lasting Connection, increasing your healing done to that target by 5%, stacking up to 5 times. Lasting Connection is reset if you heal a different target.
  • [item=132451: Your Healing Wave and Healing Surge apply Receding Tides for 5 seconds. Receding Tides causes your next heal to also heal that target for 100% of the heal.
  •  Cursed Burden: While you have an absorb or healing over time effect active on a target, 3% of all damage they receive is reflected.
  •  Aman'Thul's Stride: When a non-Tank ally within 40 yards of you takes direct melee damage, you gain 100% movement speed for 4 sec.
  •  Gilded Wings: Your healing critical strikes have a chance to summon a Val'kyr to aid your target, damaging nearby foes and healing your target for a portion of the damage dealt.
  •  Soulweave: Your heals apply Eternal Warrior for 8 sec. If a player dies while Eternal Warrior is active, 20% of your remaining mana is consumed but they are returned to full health.
  •  Shackles of Bryndaor: Marrowrend grants you 20% Leech for 6 seconds.
  •  Destiny Drivers: Last Stand and Shield Wall recharge up to 50% faster, increased by missing health.
  •  Crown of Helheim: Avenging Wrath generates 1 Holy Power per second.
  •  Collar of the Lifebinder:  50 of damage you take for the next 6 seconds is instead split amongst enemies within 10 yards of you.
  •  Nightmare Strands: Your taunt effects now last 15 seconds, and increase all damage you deal to affected targets by 10%.
  •  Helztstone: You have a 10% chance to ignore any damage taken.
  •  Platinum Repose: Restore a dead target to life with 60% health and 20% mana. Usable in combat.
  •  Mantle of Ashildir: Charm an enemy creature that has less maximum health than you.
  •  Cord of the Nightborne: While you are above 75% health, the cast time of Heal, Flash Heal, and Holy Word: Serenity is reduced by 20%.
  •  Star of Norgannon: Your instant cast spells have a chance to trigger Foresight, allowing your next spell to be cast while moving.
  •  Vermuund's Beads of Great Convergence: Your over time effects have a chance to trigger their full remaining value each time they heal or deal damage.
  •  Mantle of Flames: All enemies within 5 yards of you suffer 5000 Fire damage each second.
  •  Boots of Wondrous Rapidity: Your Speed is increased by a portion of your Haste.
  •  Hidden Master's Forbidden Handwraps: If Touch of Death does not kill your target, they will suffer its effect every 30 seconds until they die.
  •  Pauldrons of the Golden Val'kyr: Every enemy hit by Avenger¡¯s Shield reduces the cooldown of Guardian of the Ancient Kings by 4 seconds.
  •  Wilfred's Hood of Superior Summoning: The cast time of all demon summoning spells is removed, and your demons deal 20% additional damage.
  •  Halo of the Ebon Martyr: The duration of Renew is increased by 100%. Additionally, when your Renew attempts to heal an uninjured target, its duration is extended by 3 seconds.
  •  Fragment of Frostmourne: Quest Item: "The fragment seems to drain away all heat in its presence."
  •  Hilt of Frostmourne: Quest Item: Red, Prismatic, and Yellow sockets
  •  Hammer of Khaz'goroth: Quest Item: "This titan relic pulses with energy."


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1 ºñ°ø°³ ¼Õ´Ô ¡¦ 2015-11-24 23:09:25
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2 ºñ°ø°³ ¼Õ´Ô ¡¦ 2015-11-24 23:35:04
Legendary Items
Soulcaster: Teleport to the location of a friendly player within 50 yards.

¿µÈ¥¿µÃ¢ÀÚ : 50¾ßµå ¾È¿¡ Àִ ģ±¸Ç÷¹À̾îÀÇ À§Ä¡·Î ¼ø°£À̵¿ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.

Grovewalkers: While you remain stationary, deep roots seep into the ground every 3 sec. granting you 50000 healing every 3 sec. stacking up to 10 times.

¼öÇ®°È´ÂÀÚµé(?) : ´ç½ÅÀÌ ¿òÁ÷ÀÌÁö¾Ê´Â µ¿¾È, ±íÀº »Ñ¸®°¡ ¶¥À¸·Î 3Ãʸ¶´Ù ½º¸çµì´Ï´Ù. 50000À¸·Î ¿¬ÀåµÈ ÈúÀÌ ¸Å3Ãʸ¶´Ù µé¾î¿É´Ï´Ù. 10¹ø±îÁö ½×ÀÔ´Ï´Ù.

The King's Hands: Grants you the Anticipation talent. If you select Anticipation, you may have up to 5 charges.

¼ö°ü : ´ç½Å¿¡°Ô ±â´ëµÇ´Â Àç´ÉÀÌ ºÎ¿©µË´Ï´Ù. ¸¸¾à ´ç½ÅÀÌ ºÎ¿©¸¦ ¼±ÅÃÇÑ´Ù¸é, 5¹ø±îÁö ÃæÀüÇÒ¼ö ÀÖÀ»°Ì´Ï´Ù.

Maelstrom Gauntlets: The range of Stormstrike is increased to 20 yards.

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Bramble Helm of Shala'drassil: An additional 0% of healing recieved from other allies is applied over 8 seconds.

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Essence Accelerant: Equip: The cost of Thrash is reduced by 20%.

Á¤¼ö ÃËÁøÁ¦ : Àåºñ : ThrashÀÇ ÄÚ½ºÆ®°¡ 20% ÁÙ¾îµì´Ï´Ù.

Verjas, Protectors of the Berserker Kings: The duration of Stagger is increased by 40%.

º£¸£ÀÚ½º, ±¤Àü»ç ¿ÕÀÇ ¼öÈ£ÀÚ : StaggerÀÇ Áö¼Ó½Ã°£ÀÌ 40% Áõ°¡µË´Ï´Ù.

Thornbraces: When you Dodge, Parry, or Block an incoming attack your next autoattack deals 150% increased damage.

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Guillotine Grips: Essence Font may be cast while moving.

±æ·Îƾ(óÇü´ë) : ¿òÁ÷ÀÌ´Â µ¿¾È Essence Font¸¦ ½ÃÀüÇÒ¼ö ÀÖÀ»°Ì´Ï´Ù.

Draugr, Helm of the Everlasting King: You may continue to fight while under Aspect of the Turtle.

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Nochtadh, Footpads of the Deft Assasin: Your attacks have a chance to reveal a weakness in your opponent's defenses. While attacking from the weak side, you deal X% increased damage to the target.

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Ceann-Ar Gauntlets: Each time you Enrage, you gain 20 Rage.

Ceann-Ar °ÇƲ¸´ : ¸Å¹ø ´ç½ÅÀÇ °ÝºÐ¶§¸¶´Ù, ´ç½ÅÀº 20»ç°Å¸®¸¦ ¾ò½À´Ï´Ù.

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